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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Smashing Magazine

Hello everybody,

One of the best resources for Web Design/Development I have ever discovered was discovered by accident.  Upon recreating my personal Website, I wanted to add some useful links on my Links page, as my old ones were no longer relevant.  I conducted a Google search for online Web Design magazines, and that is where I found Smashing Magazine.  What separates this magazine from the multitude of other online magazines is the sheer variety of content.  There is nothing a Web Designer/Developer could need that is not covered by Smashing Magazine.  While I have certainly read through other magazines for extended periods of time (I will withhold their names to avoid their embarassment and further demise), Smashing Magazine is simply the best magazine out there. 

I have found Smashing Magazine so useful that I have incorporated them into almost every aspect of my online presence.  I have subscribed to their RSS Feed so that it appears in my Outlook, I have the RSS Feed on my blog, I follow them on Twitter (I highly recommend this), and I have my Twitter account linked with my LinkedIn account so all of my connections can benefit from receiving their Tweets.  Having said this, if you have not yet immersed yourself in the world of Smashing Magazine, I sincerely hope you decide to do so in the near future.  I can tell you from experience that you will be glad you did.

Have a great day,
David L. Greer, Jr.

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