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Thursday, February 25, 2010

First Day Is Over

Hello everybody,

The first day back went really well.  I got a great deal accomplished, and I will be hitting it hard again today.  Essentially, this week I am mainly introducing myself to my Instructors and fellow classmates.  However, I am also learning the history behind multimedia, and more specifically, how media ultimately became multimedia.  This is fascinating, as anybody who knows me knows I absolutely love History. 

Anyway, I have to create a storyboard for a 1 - 1.5 minute multimedia story using Flash for this week's project.  The story can only contain illustrations and photographs.  Since many photographs will likely add too much size to the Flash file (and interrupt many times during playback), I have no choice but to rely on illustrations.  That raises another problem.  Though I am creative, I cannot draw illustrations.  With this said, I am going to be spending a great deal of time using shapes to create illustrations for use in my Flash movie.  Seminar is tonight, so maybe I will get some better ideas from that.  One can only hope.  Regardless of what happens, I just have to create the storyboard this week, so I am pretty sure I can handle that.

Have a great day,
David L. Greer, Jr.

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