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Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Website and LightCMS

Good morning everybody,

I am finally close to finishing my personal Website.  All I have left is the Contact form and I will be done, except for uploading the content, but that does not take long.  I am excited, as I feel I have learned a great deal about design, and a bit about development, during the creation of this site.  It seems as if the more sites I create, the better they get.  I guess that is the whole point after all!!

As I am a newbie to CMS, I decided to do some looking around to see if I could find more information.  I found a site dedicated to LightCMS found at http://www.speaklight.com/.  I immediately became intrigued, as this seems to open up many doors to creating more professional and current Websites.  I will certainly be looking into this over the next few days before the next term starts.

Have a great day,
David L. Greer, Jr.

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