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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Back To School

Hello everybody,

Classes begin again for me today.  I will be taking Technology Infrastructure and Introduction to Multimedia Using Adobe Flash.  Needless to say, I am very excited!!!  I have reviewed both of the books I have received, which are listed on my LinkedIn page.  There will certainly be a great deal of learning, though I feel good about this term.  I believe the Networking Solutions course I took previously has definitely prepared me for the Technology Infrastructure course, though this course is at a higher level than the Networking Solutions course.  As far as Flash, I was made to work with it in a very limited sense two terms ago in my Web Development course.  Therefore, I cannot wait to learn more about this program, which is very instrumental in my growth as a Web Developer.  Essentially, this is the program that will be used for various multimedia functions, and will also be a great deal of fun as well.  I will keep everybody aware of how these courses are going throughout the term.  My goal is not only to increase my Information Technology and Web Development knowledge, but also to maintain my 4.0 GPA.  Wish me luck!!!!

Have a great day,
David L. Greer, Jr.

1 comment:

  1. David,

    Good luck on this new term you are starting on. We are on two different paths as far as the schedule goes, what is your first week is my 8th. I am sure that you will do great and put everything you have into the work you have before you. I have found that if I do my best on every aspect of the class, the discussion, projects, readings and everything else involved that I have maintained my GPA and learned more that I ever thought possible.
    Good job on the start of your blog and the frequent updates. That is where I slip up a bit is keeping all of mine updated. However, I do have like 10 on many different platforms because I just like to see the admin back-end area and see what advantages one platform has over another.
    Best of luck this term and the rest of your college career as well,
