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Friday, February 26, 2010

First Seminar Of The Term/Windows Vista

Hello everybody,

The first seminar of the term is over, and I believe I am going to love this term.  These courses are higher level degree requirements, so they are a little more in-depth than my previous courses, but it is nothing I cannot handle.  These courses will require a great deal more Web research on my own if I am to take them seriously, but learning is why I am there, so it will prove beneficial.  Besides, as my Flash professor so eloquently put it, "Learning Flash for a Web Developer is like learning how to read."  Flash is something I must learn if I am ever to become a successful Web Designer/Developer.  The only thing I am not too happy about is that there is not enough time to delve into ActionScript.  Without learning ActionScript, I will only be learning the visual side of Flash.  Not to despair though, as there are plenty of resources out there that will allow me to learn on my own as time permits.  One thing at a time.

Now on to Windows Vista.  Am I the only person that believes Microsoft should have skipped this version?  I am off to work on another Windows Vista problem for the same man I have been working for since he purchased his computer.  Specifically, the issue is Windows Updates for Windows Vista.  There are so many problems with this that it is ridiculous.  The worst thing about it is that there are no easy fixes developed by Microsoft for these errors.  Like I said, ridiculous.

Have a great day,
David L. Greer, Jr.

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