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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Finished With The Website

Good afternoon everybody,

I have finally finished with the Website.  Feel free to take a look at http://kaplandgreer.webs.com/.  It was a great learning experience, and I am glad it is finally complete, though I will be looking into creating some sifferent widgets for it so I can practice.  I have a bit more learning to do before I can gett too advanced though.  Anyway, feel free to let me know what you think about it so far.

Also, notice that I took the time to provide a little interactivity to my blog as well.  If you look to the right, you will notice I added an RSS Feed from my favorite magazine, "Smashing Magazine".  This magazine is very useful for anybody interested in Web Design/Development.  I only wish I had time to read everything, because I would be much more advanced if I did.  Anyway, take the time to use it so I did not put it up for nothing.
Have a great day,
David L. Greer, Jr.

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