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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Narrative Update

Good morning everybody,

I finally have a minute, so I figured I would update you on the digital Flash narrative.  This week, I added the third section, added some navigation, and applied appropriate background music to the individual sections.  I am extremely happy with the effect the sound has on the overall effectiveness of the narrative.  However, I am unhappy with the navigation, and will be working to correct this over the next few days.  Initially, I had placed buttons that appear at the end of each section to either move forward or back to the beginning of the narrative.  Now, I am considering using a slightly transparent bar with buttons to move forward one section, back to the beginning of a section, and then back to the beginning.  I am considering creating a motion tween in which the bar slides in from the right with the buttons already attached.  This will occur at the end of each section, and should give the narrative a more professional feel.  Three more weeks and it will be complete.  However, if you would like to see what I have done so far, you may visit http://kaplandgreer.webs.com/bio.html and scroll down to the bottom of the page.  As a side note, once the title screen section comes to an end, there is an invisible button that covers the entire screen to move forward.  This was not my choice, but one of the requirements of an earlier project and the overall final project.  You will notice the arrow turn to the hand when the button becomes available.  Just click anywhere and it will begin the first section.  Feel free to provide feedback!!!

Have a great day,
David L. Greer, Jr.

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